How to Declare a Music Major
Prospective Music majors and minors are urged to approach a potential program advisor and the undergraduate student services officer as early as possible to create a program plan that allows for sufficient time to complete all academic goals.
The steps below do not need to be completed in the order given, but all are required elements of the declaration process.
1. Review the program requirements
Prospective Music majors and minors are urged to approach a potential program advisor and the undergraduate student services officer as early as possible to create a program plan that allows for sufficient time to complete all academic goals.
The steps below do not need to be completed in the order given, but all are required elements of the declaration process.
2. Map out a four-year program plan
Once you have selected a concentration, review the degree requirements and map out a four-year plan to complete the major using resources like Explore Courses to determine future course offerings. Include required courses and units. Leave yourself room for university requirements and any additional majors, minors, studies abroad, or large-scale extracurricular projects you might be considering. This will help you gauge whether or not it’s possible to complete all your goals during your time at Stanford. Feel free to consult with the undergraduate student services officer or any of the departmental faculty as you weigh your options.
Music major four-year program plan
Music minor four-year program plan
rleigh [at] (subject: Declaration%20Questions) (Email UG Student Services Officer)
3. Find an Advisor
Stanford’s Music Major and Minor depend on good communication between students and advisors. Advisors approve students’ course schedules and track their progress through the Major/Minor. An advisor can also be a sounding board for a student’s intellectual concerns, academic and professional interests and aspirations, and thoughts about music more broadly. Students must meet with their advisors at least once per quarter.
Finding an academic advisor is part of the declaration process. We recommend: 1) talking to Music faculty you’ve connected with in the classroom or in private lessons; 2) learning more about our faculty from the Department of Music website; and 3) speaking with the undergraduate student services officer and/or the Undergraduate Studies Committee chair. Download the Advisor Agreement Form via the link below.
rleigh [at] (subject: Advisor%20Question) (Email UG Student Services Officer)
4. Meet with Undergraduate Student Services Officer
Schedule a meeting with the undergrad student services officer to discuss and approve your four-year program plan and to turn in your Advisor Agreement form. This short meeting is intended to serve as a means of working out any scheduling conflicts and to brainstorm creative solutions to issues with both documents. Regardless of your concentration area or selected advisor, the undergraduate student services officer will continue to be a resource through your time in the department, and can address any questions or concerns at any time.
rleigh [at] (subject: Music%20Declaration%20Meeting) (EMail UG Student Services Officer)
5. Declare the program in Axess
When you are certain that you would like to declare a Music major or minor, submit a request for your desired program in Axess. On your Student Services Center homepage, find the drop down menu option next to your quarterly course list that says “I want to...” and select “Declare a major or minor.” Follow the prompts to submit your request. Skip the course plan section, as you should turn in a PDF or printed form to the undergraduate student services officer. Upon approval of your course plan and receipt of your advisor agreement form, the undergrad student services officer will approve your request to add the major or minor.