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Make a Gift to the Department

Generous donations contribute to enriching the environment of Music at Stanford. Many departmental activities such as ensemble tours, master classes, guest artists, and instrument maintenance are only made possible through the generosity of donors.

Why give to Music?

As an academic department at Stanford, Music gets funding to underwrite its teaching functions – faculty salaries, classroom needs, TAs – but not for all of the rest of the activities that are needed for a thriving musical culture in the department, on campus, and in the greater community. Among the ongoing needs of Music at Stanford are many opportunities for giving and providing support. Gifts provide support for:

  • bringing visiting artists to campus to teach master classes in their areas of expertise;
  • acquiring, tuning, and maintaining the instruments in the department’s collection that are used both for teaching and for student use;
  • supporting the teaching of applied music lessons via scholarships;
  • providing support for students traveling for auditions or advanced courses off campus;
  • attending concerts in San Francisco or San José, often accompanied by behind-the-scenes access to the artists;
  • supporting foreign and domestic tours by the various ensembles of the department;
  • and many other needs not covered by the funding provided by the University for music-specific needs.

Make a gift

Thank you for your interest in giving to Music at Stanford. The link below provides a list of contribution options, including monetary gifts, musical instruments, and historical collections.

 Make a Gift