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  • Achievements & Awards
  • Inside the Department

The winners of the 2025 Concerto Competition are classical guitarist Eric Wang '26 and pianist Charles Li '25. Congratulations to Eric, who majors in Physics and Music, and Charles, who majors in Mathematics! Charles will perform Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 17 in G major, K. 453,…

  • Achievements & Awards

The application period for the Department of Music Awards is now open! Click here to read more and apply today.

Each year, the Department of Music recognizes exemplary student compositions, performances, and academic papers in Music.
The application deadline for compositions, thesis…

  • Stanford Music in the News
  • Achievements & Awards

The San Francisco Bay Area National Association of Teachers of Singing (SFBAC NATS) held their classical auditions over the weekend and  three current Stanford students and two alumni from the vocal program participated, each placing in the top levels of their respective categories. The…

  • Inside the Department

The Department of Music at Stanford University invites applications for the position of Lecturer in Piano, beginning on September 1, 2025. This nine-month appointment is a 50% FTE piano lecturer position accompanied by benefits at a corresponding 50% level, in accordance with the part-time…

  • Stanford Music in the News